Rework of Refine Packets with the new L2J methods Sooo, here it is : skills refactor.
Where to begin... Well, I won't do a list of what is it corrected. Just understand it's a 13k patch line (without counting datapack, modifying AIs, L2Character, L2Skill in their globality). Let's jump directly to issues I know, and what you haven't to report.
- "storeSkill() couldn't store blabla" message is because many skills are missing. It comes only at load of any characters. - the huge list of GS errors is due to restricted items which need a full refactor. Basically I have to refactor entirely items load (use XMLs instead of SQLs tables). - ingame, you should miss many skills. Once again skills aren't all rewritten, you got 1/6 of skills (or so ?). So test skills you see, and don't bother with missing ones. - an issue about monsters exists. You have to stop to make mobs spawn. If you walk/run all time, you won't met any mob. This is due to ValidatePosition rework, some other work is needed to make it work back. You will live until I rework, aren't you ? - as you perhaps don't know, many items (soe, etc) use skills to be casted. As they miss, the result is a NPE each time you use an item using a skill. In the same order of idea, as armors sets / weapons SAs use skills, some GS infos can come about missing datapack skill (armorlistener blabla).
Now the good part : - test each rewritten skill, and tell me if the current behavior should be modified. You have to test each skill one by one, and if possible to check XML about effects (as I used Freya XMLs, I know some errors are existing).
I have to remember to you each XML have to be rewritten, and items have to be refactored (so others xmls...). Topic about missing skill or error reported in this comment will be eradicated from forum without any type of warning.
Old XMLs skills have to been deleted, and replaced by the 4 shared in this commit. Two SQLs tables have to be deleted aswell and replaced with new ones. There aren't issues to delete them.
If you find errors about : - XML : post in datapack section. - GS errors launching a *REWRITTEN* skill : post in core section. Some random corrections :
Ty SweeTs for skills reports, I wait more :). - Insane damage on some skills : cAtk => cAtkAdd (corrected 2 skills); - Relax effect debugged (chameleon rest is affected aswell). - Added an aggression intention on TargetMe effect (affect only L2PcInstance, mobs have their own aggro system based on points);
- Added some L2SkillTypes as pvpskills (aggression, manadamage,...). Check L2Skill. - Deletion of Universe (useless stuff). Even Chuck Norris can't do it. - Basic (-'"*correction*"'-) for statBonus, but I had a whiner for that. Better to (-'"*correct*"'-) before I got a second. - Added back the 2 peaceful areas (ITower and central rift room), ty Sim. - Added the database_installer for linux type. Ty Vrugar for complete rework/tests. - summons cast formulas changed (need to recode xml to get summons and see if I don't fock soemthing...) - "has resisted" messages corrected - isUndead() have been modified. No more values in sql, it directly does the calcul on Race.UNDEAD. If you don't want to drop your npc.sql, design your table and remove the isUndead column. - Refactor of DecayTaskManager (added different delays according of situations RB/spoiled-seeded/normal mobs); - Moved pvpflag from L2Character to L2PcInstance; - Added the condition to drain corpse ("corpse is too old" message if you drain too late).
I just saw some effects like Sting still continue to show a "has resisted your" blank message. Don't cry on forum then :P. Some reworks :
- CharTemplate rework (and many files related to race/class) - Classmaster rework (new configs) - give available skills - give noblesse - do the old stuff he did before but better :D - VillageMaster rework - give now the possibility to rename pledges - all subclass options are reworked - one VillageMaster as "core" of multiple VillageMaster instances (to handle class/race restrictions).
DP side : - NPC.sql to drop and change - many htm to put in good place.
The classmaster have been verified, about subclass I'm not in fond of admin commands so I didn't know how to give quests items (lol), so couldn't test (arg).
Htm have been c/ped from Freya and put in form, so shouldn't have problem.
Didn't test pledges names, but should work, if I didn't miss anything database sided. Refactor Enterworld - deleted customs (announce hero & castle lords at login) - migrated some infos in others packets / initializing stuff (pledges, sethero, setonlinestatus, signssky) - added seal of strife effect (buff / debuff according to winner/loser side)
Deleted 2 useless tables. You're right, they were both useless + same content.
Deleted the "ProtectionIP", basically show if you were connecting from another IP. Sort of useless stuff as IPs are 90% time dynamics, so when you reboot your inet box you got an alert message "beware your last IP wasn't the same"...
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